公告 - Student Health Clinic

Student Health Clinic


Bookmark this page for the latest health 信息 for students at Butte College.


Revised Testing Criteria

Testing for COVID-19 is now available in a number of public health, commercial and hospital laboratories in California, however broad scale testing is not available. This guidance is intended to support health care providers and laboratories in determining testing prioritization. Persons who may be considered for testing depending on clinical severity and community health relevance include:

  1. Hospitalized patients who have signs and symptoms compatible 与COVID-19 in order to inform decisions related to infection control or medical management.

  2. Residents and staff of long-term care facilities with signs and symptoms compatible 与COVID-19.

  3. Other persons who are at higher risk for severe infection with signs and symptoms compatible 与COVID-19. These persons include older adults (age >65 years) and individuals with chronic medical conditions.

  4. Residents and staff of correctional facilities and other congregate settings with signs and symptoms compatible 与COVID-19.

  5. Healthcare personnel with signs and symptoms compatible with COVID 19.

Covered California extends enrollment

Covered California has re-opened enrollment until June 1st in response to the COVID-19 situation.  Persons who want health insurance can sign 在 www.覆盖.ca.com

Due to a shortage of supplies the Student Health Clinic will not be available for sick visits until further notice. 

I will continue to work with suppliers to obtain the equipment needed to return to fully operational status as quickly as possible.  The SHC will remain available for non-sick visits including:

  • 体检

  • 校园伤害

  • 接种疫苗

  • Immunization compliance review

  • 结核病测试

Additionally, the SHC lobby will be closed until further notice and the Clinic closed to foot traffic without appointment.  Upon arrival, students will need to call the SHC at 895-2441 to announce their arrival and be screened before being taken directly 去检查室.  Persons with fever, cough, or respiratory symptoms will need to reschedule for a time when they’re no longer ill.  All mental health counseling visits will be done either online or via telephone. 

Virtual sick visits are available by downloading the app “Virtual Care Anywhere”.  Visits are $35 normally but the fee is waived for persons with concerns about COVID-19.  In person visits are available at Enloe Prompt Care, Immediate Care, Orchard Hospital Medical Specialty Clinic, or Oroville Convenient Care.  Please call these facilities if you are ill and intend to visit.

I apologize for the inconvenience this undoubtedly causes during this stressful time.  I will announce when we resume normal operations.

Free hand sanitizer is available to all students at the Student Health Clinic while 供应上!

The CDC website has up-to-date 信息 and recommendations regarding COVID-19. 



The Chancellor's office has also provided this 信息al website:


Please keep in mind that the CDC, Chancellor's office, California Department of Public Health, and Butte County Public Health are the most reliable and up to date sources for 信息 regarding this virus.  Websites like Wikipedia, 脸谱网, Reddit, and other news outlets are able to publish non-verified and potentially inaccurate 信息. 

-约旦弗雷泽, MSN, NP-C
Director, Student Health Clinic


电话: 530-895-2441

传真: 530-895-2846

Parking Lot 3C, across from the ARTS Building
3536 Butte Campus Drive

Map 在校园找到我们


Friday - 8 am to Noon


Same Day Appointments May Be Available



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