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Taking Lecture Notes

TIP Sheet

Class notes can be an important source of help in deciding what to study. Luckily, since instructors want you to succeed, 他们的课堂讲课通常充满了关于你应该写什么的提示. When you take class notes, don't try to reinvent the wheel; instead, 学习一些已经被成功的学生尝试和测试过的方法.

First, do associated reading before class, not after, 这样你就有了帮助你有效集中注意力的背景信息. 为了达到这个目的,老师通常会在讲课前布置阅读材料. That way, you already have, coming in, a general context for your instructor's remarks – you are primed to learn.

Next, 准备一张8.5 × 11英寸的纸(大到足以容纳相当数量的信息), adopt the following note-taking strategies:

  • Reduce distractions.
  • Listen beyond the words.
  • Note what's on the board.
  • Identify supporting details.
  • Build speed.
  • Assure that notes are complete.
  • Review notes promptly

Reduce distractions

选择教室座位,使您能够不受干扰地看到和听到教师的声音, usually front and center. These seats provide clear, uninterrupted views of teachers. 不要坐在讨厌的同学旁边,也不要靠近可以看到外面活动的窗户.

Physical discomfort may make it difficult for you to concentrate. 提前计划,这样你就不会太热、太冷、太饿或其他不舒服的事情. 如果房间太热,你可以脱掉衣服,如果太冷,你可以穿上衣服. 如果你在课间没有时间吃正餐,可以带点零食吃. Go to the rest room before class begins.

Not all distractions are external. 上课时,尽量不去想周末的计划.

Listen beyond the words
During lectures, 你的目标是找到主要的思想,并使它们在你的笔记中脱颖而出. 有些老师直接用这样的短语来表达主要思想,“现在我们要讨论 . . ." and "Our next topic is . . ."

However, learn to listen just as well to things that are not said directly. Lecturers use pauses, repetition, or changes in voice volume to emphasize major thoughts in their lectures.

  • If a teacher pauses while lecturing, 准备好写——这可能是一个信号,表明你应该写下暂停之前说过的话或暂停之后将要说的话.
  • When a teacher repeats information, this is a definite clue. Write down the repeated information.
  • A change in volume of a teacher's voice may indicate that an important statement is being given. Some (though not all) teachers speak more loudly when they state major ideas.

When you know you have identified a major point, mark it in your notes with some type of visual device, such as a star, exclamation point, emoticon, or numbering system that makes sense to you.

Note what's on the board
写在黑板或白板上的任何东西都很重要,以后可能会作为试题的基础. Copy anything that is written on the boards. 标记这些信息,这样在你的笔记中就会很突出,在你学习的时候也不会忽略它.

  • When instructors write tables, charts, diagrams, or formulas on a chalkboard, 把它们抄到你的笔记里,除非你知道这个表格出现在你的课程材料里. In that case, 注意桌子的位置,把注意力集中在你的老师对它的评论上.
  • Terminology should be copied and marked for special attention. For example, if a teacher in a business course writes entrepreneur, laissez faire, or oligopoly 在黑板上把单词抄下来,做上记号,以便以后特别注意.
  • Persons' names and dates written on a board should also be copied and marked as important. 在高中,你可能被要求只在历史课上了解名人和日期. 但在大学里,你可能会被期望知道重要的日期或对你所学的任何学科做出重要贡献的人.

Identify supporting details

许多讲师会在课堂笔记中明确指出应该在“主要思想”下面列出多少细节. For example, they make statements such as these:

Sociologists identify four types of families.
There are five steps in the selling process.
Let's examine three tragic effects of the Civil War.

When instructors state major thoughts in these ways, it is clear exactly how many details should be listed. In other instances, 老师们明确表示,他们将给出一个详细的清单,但没有说明确切的数字. 例如,老师可能会说:“让我们谈谈创业的问题." You will not know how many problems until the list is complete. 听下面这些表示支持细节列表的单词:

  • the advantages/disadvantages of
  • another benefit of /problem with
  • the reasons for/results of
  • the most important cause/effect of
  • the types/typical characteristics of
  • the main differences between/similarities among
  • the purposes/functions/uses of
  • the next step/part

Use some kind of visual device, different from that used to identify main points, to indicate these supporting details – bullets, dashes, or columns, perhaps.

Many teachers also give examples to illustrate ideas. If you find an example to be particularly helpful, include it in your notes using a keyword, diagrams, or even a sketch. If an example helps you understand during lecture, it will probably help you understand later when you study.

Build speed
Good class notes summarize; they are not word‑for‑word records of teachers' statements. 把老师的话准确地记录下来是不可能的,也没有必要,甚至是不可取的. By using your own words you begin the all-important, active process of connecting the new information to what you already know.

In addition to paraphrasing, you may increase your note‑taking speed by streamlining your handwriting, using fewer flourishes. Simplified handwriting makes it possible to write more quickly. You may also build note-taking speed by using abbreviations for common words. Invent your own abbreviations. You might write eq for equation, equivalent, or equals; probs for problems; sim for similar or similarity; and impt for important. 在卫生保健领域工作的学生经常使用医学缩写记笔记. The best abbreviations are the ones you yourself make up and understand.

Finally, do not worry about spelling when you take class notes. Undue concern about spelling words correctly will slow you down. You are the only one who reads your notes; you can correct misspelled words later.

Assure that notes are complete
每天的笔记开头都要写上课程名称或编号, the instructor's name, the date, and the topic of the lecture. Writing a heading puts you in the proper frame of mind for note-taking. 此外,您可以稍后使用这些信息来找出您可能遗漏了哪些音符

当你知道你在讲座中错过了一些信息时,在笔记上留下空白. 在适当的时候,举手要求老师重复或解释. 或者在课后与老师或擅长记笔记的同学交谈,完成你的笔记, or looking in the textbook.

If you miss class, 在你缺席的时候,向一个可靠的同学借笔记,并将笔记手抄或影印. Unfortunately, 当你学习时,你的同学做的笔记可能对你不是很有用. Your classmates take the kinds of notes that are useful to them. This is one major reason you should attend all your classes.

Review notes promptly
You may be tested in December on notes taken in September. If you did not understand your own notes in September, you will not understand them in November when you try to study. That's why, soon after a lecture, 你应该重读你的笔记,以确保你理解它们并确保它们是完整的.

下课后,用任何能让你更容易理解的方式修改你的笔记. 纠正拼写错误的单词,填上遗漏的单词,并做任何其他改进. If a part is unclear or incomplete, put a question mark in the left margin. Then, as soon as possible, 通过与老师或做笔记的同学交谈来消除你的不确定性, or studying course materials.

It is almost always essential to study class notes before tests. 许多教师在他们的讲座中提供课本中找不到的补充材料. Others tend to reinforce information found in textbooks. Always take notes, even when the material follows the text, for these lectures probably indicate exactly what you should study from your texts!

If your notes for a class do not seem to help you with tests, 你要么记错了笔记,要么你的老师没有像我们希望的那样讲课. 授课帮助学生学习的能力也是天赋的一部分, part acquired skill, and some teachers simply give confusing lectures. If you have this type of instructor, ask questions during class. 你可能不是唯一一个感到困惑的人,你的同学会感激你的. 适应你自己——你可能需要更加努力地组织和理解来自非专业讲师的材料.

Last, don't let your feelings about an instructor or a class keep you from taking good notes; the best way out of a class you dislike is to pass it!



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