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Writing Cause and Effect Papers

TIP Sheet

论文运用因果分析来检验 reasons for and the outcomes of situations. 它们是一种发现事物起源的尝试, such as an event or a decision, 可以适当归因于它的效果或结果, or both.


  • Why did A happen? (discovering the causes of A)
  • What happened as a result of A? (discovering the effects of A)
  • What might happen as a result of A? (predicting further effects of A)

你可以写一篇主要关于原因的因果论文, primarily about effects, or a combination of both.


Discovering causes
在你开始写作甚至研究之前, 列出所有你已经知道的十大网赌正规平台的原因. 问这样的问题:为什么会发生这样的事情? What preconditions existed? Were the results foreseen? Could they have been foreseen? Then do some preliminary research, 用你已经知道的东西来引导你的阅读方向. 改变或增加你原来的原因列表,以反映从你的研究中收集到的新信息. Done in depth, 这种分析可能会揭示出一系列几乎无限的相互关联的原因, 远远超过你在一篇论文中可以有效地解决的问题. 找出其中一到三个比其他的更重要(或有趣,或被忽视). Then, 承认多重原因的存在, 把你的讨论限制在最重要的(或有趣的)内容上, or overlooked).

As you brainstorm possible causes, 不要陷入这样的思维陷阱, 原因很简单,一件事接一件事, that there was necessarily a causal relationship. (The mere fact that four youths were seen running away from the scene of an assault does not itself logically implicate them in the assault; they could have been running for help, chasing down the alleged criminal, or simply jogging by.)

Also, do not confuse a necessary precondition 原因:万圣节之夜,大批盛装打扮的学生在奇科市中心闲逛,这可能是一场骚乱的必要前提, but it is not, in itself, the cause of a riot.

As you write, use the transitions, or signal words, 告诉读者你在展示你的观点之间的因果关系:

  • Led to
  • Because
  • Cause(s)
  • Reasons(s)
  • Explanation(s)
  • So


因为该技术项目获得了来自赠款和联邦第一章基金的独立资金, 相对而言,它没有受到学区自身预算削减的影响.


Discovering effects
If you choose to write about effects, 第一次头脑风暴:列出你所知道的所有影响, 并使用这个列表来指导你的研究,以了解更多. 这些影响对历史、文化或你自己的生活有很大的影响吗? 或者他们的影响很小,结果很少? Again, be sure you can demonstrate the causal relationship.

就像任何事情通常都有几个原因一样, 任何一个原因都会产生大量的结果. 不要试图在一篇论文中阐述长链效应. 承认存在着各种各样的影响, 然后把你的讨论限制在最重要的问题上.


  • Therefore
  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • Thus
  • Then
  • Thanks to


Employees at companies that offer flexible work schedules are more productive and file fewer claims for mental-health benefits; consequently, 提供弹性工作时间的公司越来越多.

(作为一种争论,你可以声称上面的例子表明 two linked effects of the flextime policy: First, it caused employees to be more productive; and second, their enhanced productivity, in turn, caused more companies to adopt flextime. 因果联系是这类论文的典型特征.)

Predicting results
因果论文经常根据已知的事实、趋势和发展做出预测. 预测是从已知的和可观察到的到未知的和可能的. 预测试图回答这样的问题:可能的或可能的后果是什么? 这些结果可能会对我的生活或他人的生活产生重大影响吗? 这些结果可能会对公共政策、社会或历史的形成产生重大影响吗? 在我的预言成真之前,必须有什么样的先决条件呢?

If you choose to make predictions, as is common, for example, in political science, education, science, and philosophy, 一定要使用可信的证据和有力的推理. 如果你不能巧妙地处理预测,并把它们建立在既定的事实基础上, 它们往往显得荒诞而难以置信.

Avoid overstating your case; use language couched in an appropriate degree of uncertainty (可能,很可能,很可能,可以期待,是完全可能的). 像这样的信号词和动词形式向读者表明你正在从观察转向预测:

  • If
  • When
  • After
  • As soon as
  • Likely that
  • Might/May
  • Can expect
  • Possible that


如果州长不能明确表明自己的立场,并在改革该州的工人赔偿制度方面发挥领导作用, 选民们很可能会把事情掌握在自己手中,并呼吁在全州范围内举行全民公决.

一篇因果论文很大程度上依赖于你对形势的分析. 尽管有很多方法来解释任何情况和它所产生的影响, 最后,你的论文的说服力取决于具体的证据, clear and convincing language, and logical development.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 |一般信息 (530) 895-2511

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