


A comp是 and contrast essay examines two or more topics (objects, 人, 或思想, 例如), comparing their similarities and contrasting their differences. You may choose to focus exclusively on comparing, 完全对比, or on 这两个-or your instructor may direct you to do one or 这两个.

First, pick 可用的 subjects and list their characteristics. In fact, their individual characteristics determine whether the subjects 可用的. 在那之后, choose a parallel pattern of organization and effective transitions to set your paper above the merely average.

1. 选择主题
Focus on things that can obviously be comp是d or contrasted. 例如, if you 是 examining an idea (political or philosophical) examine the opposite of that idea. Or, 如果你在检查一个人, 像个总统, pick another president for comparison or contrast. Don't try to comp是 a president and a cab driver, or existentialism and a legislative bill on car tax refunds.

2. 清单的特点
Divide a piece of paper into two sides. One side is for the first subject, the other for the second subject. Then, begin to list the similarities and differences that immediately come to mind. Concentrate on characteristics that either 是 sh是d or 是 opposing between the two subjects. 交替, you may construct a Venn diagram of intersecting circles, listing the subjects' differences to either side and their similarities where the circles intersect. Keep in mind that for a balanced paper, 你要逐点说明, parallel comparisons (or contrasts).

相似之处 between my math and English instructors:
Both 是 welcoming and available to students.
Both 是 organized and keep a neat office.
Both 是 knowledgeable and professional.


差异 between my math and English instructors
Math teacher listens to classic rock.         英语老师听爵士乐.
Math teacher drinks Earl Grey tea.           English teacher drinks strong black coffee.
Math teacher 就像s to chat about movies.  English teacher sticks to business.

As you create your list, is it clear 为什么 you 是 comparing and contrasting these two subjects? Do you have a preference for one or the other? If so, make sure you 是 evaluating each side fairly. A point-by-point list helps you maintain balance.

Once you have a list, decide whether there 是 more similarities or differences between the topics. If there 是 more similarities, concentrate your paper on comparing. If there 是 more differences (or if, 如上面的例子所示, the differences 是 simply more interesting), 集中注意对比. If there is a balance of similarities and differences, you might concentrate on discussing this balance.

3. 组织
There 是 at least two ways to organize a comp是/contrast essay. Imagine you 是 examining Robert E. 李和尤利西斯. 格兰特,都是内战时期的将军. In your list you have uncovered important points of dissimilarity between them. Those points 是 their background, personalities, and underlying aspirations. (Call these three points A, B, 和C.) You have decided to contrast the two subjects.

Here is one way to organize the body of this paper, addressing points A, B, 和C for each subject. This paper will follow parallel order–A, B, and then C–for each subject:

A. 李的背景
B. 李的个性
C. 李的潜在愿望

A. 格兰特的背景
B. 格兰特的个性
C. 格兰特的潜在愿望

However, here is another way to organize the same paper:

A. 李的背景
A. 格兰特的背景

B. 李的个性
B. 格兰特的个性

C. 李的潜在愿望
C. 格兰特的潜在愿望

对于较短的论文, the above might represent three 段落; if you 是 writing a long paper and have a great deal of information, you may choose to write about each point, A, B, 和C, in separate 段落 for a total of six. However you decide to organize, make sure it is clear 为什么 你正在研究这个问题. You might be able to comp是 apples and oranges, for example, but 为什么 would you? Include any insights or opinions you have gathered. And yes, in general, three is the magic number. While there is no hard-and-fast rule that precludes creating a paper based on two points, 或四, 或五, a three-point discussion is manageable, especially for complex or abstract subjects. 同时, a three-point structure helps you avoid oversimplifying, especially when addressing controversial topics in which discussions tend to become polarized–right or wrong, 黑或白, 赞成还是反对. Three-point treatments encourage discussion of the middle ground.

4. 信号转换
Learn to use expressions that precisely convey contrast or comparison. These expressions, or transitions, signal contrast:

  • 正相反
  • 另一方面
  • 然而
  • 否则
  • 仍然
  • 然而,

These expressions signal comparison:

  • 以及
  • 这两个
  • 就像
  • 与…相同
  • 同样的

Signal words such as these help the reader understand the relationships between your sentences, 段落, 和想法. In particular, if you 是 这两个 comparing and contrasting, signal words help sort out what's what. Second only to effective organization, effective use of these expressions will go a long way toward helping produce a good comp是/contrast paper.

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