


, 应该 可以 are three auxiliary verbs that 可以 be defined as past tenses of , , 可以; 如何ever, you may learn more from seeing sentences using these auxiliaries than from definitions. 用法示例如下.

从技术上讲, 的过去式是 , but it is an auxiliary verb that has many uses, some of which even express the present tense. It 可以 be used in the following ways:

  • 问问题:

你想来点凉拌卷心菜吗? 你想吃凉拌卷心菜吗?
将 you turn in your assignment now? = Please turn in your assignment now.

  • , 什么, , 在哪里, 为什么, 如何:

What 将 you do if I sang out of tune?

在上面的两句话中, 意思和 .

  • 礼貌地请求:

I 将 like more coleslaw, please. 请再给我来点凉拌卷心菜.
我希望你现在坐下来. 我要你现在坐下来.

  • To s如何 a different response if the past 有 been different:

I 将 有 helped you if I 有 known you were str和ed.
(I 做了n't know that you were str和ed. This "not knowing" occurred before my not helping you.)

John 将've missed the trail if Mary 有n't waited for him at the stream.
(首先玛丽等着他. If her response 有 been to not wait, then next John 将 有 been on the wrong trail.)

  • To tone down strong, controversial statements-not recommended in formal essays:

I 将 有 to say that you're acting a bit immature.
在这里 有类似的意思 do 但不那么强调.

  • To explain an outcome to a hypothetical situation:

应该 I win a million dollars, I 将 fix up my house.
想到的 应该 as if, as .

  • 表现出习惯性的过去行为:

Helen 将 sob 当ever John 将 leave home.
想到的 as 做了.

  • 重复:显示重复的过去动作:

For a moment the plane 将 be airborne, then it 将 bump back down along the hard earth.
(The plane was in the air 和 then back on the ground several times.)

  • To s如何 preference between two choices, used with rather or sooner:

I 将 sooner die than face them. = I prefer death in place of facing them.
I 将 rather h和write than type. = I prefer h和writing instead in typing.

However, the second choice may by implied but not stated:

Implied is that 我宁愿死 than...do 什么ever it is that the context has provided as an alternative to dying.

  • 表示希望或渴望:

Those people 将 allow gambling. = Those people want to allow gambling.
会是这样吗?. 我希望是这样. (很少用)
我们希望他去. 我们想让他去.

  • 显示意图或计划:

她说她会来的. = She said she was planning to come.

  • 表示选择:

I 将 put off the test if I 可以.
This means my choice is to delay taking the test, but I do not 有 the ability to delay taking it.

  • 表示怀疑:

The answer 将 seem to be correct. 答案可能是正确的.

  • To s如何 future likelihoods relative to past action:

He calculated that he 将 get to the camp around 6 p.m. The men 将 有 dinner ready for him.
The first sentence means he believed his camp arrival time was going to be about 6:00 p.m. The "calculating" (or believing) happened in the past, yet the arrival is going to occur later. The second sentence predicts that, at that future time, dinner 将 be ready for him.

  • Strange but true: Notice 如何 changing to 可以改变 工作原理:

你会改变主意吗. = I wish you 有 changed your mind.
你会改变主意吗. = If circumstances 有 been different, is it possible that you might 有 changed your mind?

从技术上讲, 应该 的过去式是 , but it is an auxiliary verb with a few uses, not all of which are in the past tense, 即, 以下几点:

  • 问问题:

你应该擦除磁盘吗? = Were you supposed to 有 erased it?
应该 I turn in my assignment now? = Am I supposed to turn in my assignment now?

在这里, 应该 意思和 ought.

  • 表示义务:

You 应该 floss 和 brush your teeth after every meal.
想到的 应该 as supposed to, as in the previous example, but here to make a persuasive statement.

  • 显示未来可能发生的十大网赌正规平台:

If I 应该 find your coat, I 将 be sure to call you.
想到的 应该 as do; furthermore, 应该 可以 be left out of the above sentence, leaving, "If I find your coat, I 将 be sure to call you.“或者, if 可以 be left out of the sentence: "应该 I find your coat, I 将 be sure to call you."

  • To express a hypothetical situation:

应该 you wish to do so, you may 有 hot tea 和 biscuits. = If you wish to do so, you may 有 hot tea 和 biscuits.

  • 表达可能发生的事:

与 an early start, they 应该 be here by noon.
想到的 应该 as 应该 or 可能会.

  • To politely express a request or direct statement:

我现在想回家了. 我现在想回家了.
I 应该 think that a healthy forest program is essential to any presidential victory.= I think that a healthy forest program is essential to any presidential victory.

从技术上讲, 可以是可以的过去式, but it is an auxiliary verb with a few uses, not all of which are in the past tense, 即:

  • 作为可以的过去式:

In those days, all the people 可以 build houses. = In those days, all the people 有 the ability to build houses.

  • 问问题:

你会擦除磁盘吗? = Is it possible that you erased the disk?
我现在可以走了吗?? = May I leave now; am I allowed to leave now?

  • 显示可能性:

You 可以 study harder than you do. = You 有 the potential to study harder than you do.
He knew the sunset 可以 be spectacular. = He knew that the sunset was sometimes spectacular.

  • To express tentativeness or politeness:

我可能错了. 我可能错了.
你能过来一下吗? 请到这里来。.

In conclusion, you 可以 use these three auxiliaries if you 将, you 应该! Write a sample sentence for each possible usage of 可以, 将, 应该; then ask any Reading/Writing or English tutor for further assistance.



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