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短语是一组没有主语、谓语(动词)或两者都没有的单词. 英语中充满了这样的词: under his supervision, apple trees in blossom, 足球赛季结束后的. 你可能对介词短语很熟悉——它们以介词开头, end with nouns (or pronouns), and they describe, or modify, 句子中的特定单词: along the Yahi Trail, above Salmon Hole. (欲了解更多信息,请参阅TIP Sheet“介词和介词短语”.)但其他类型的短语也丰富了英语语言: verbal, appositive, and absolute phrases.

1. Verbals are verb look-alikes.
动词看起来像动词,但动作不像动词. 在下面的句子中,动词被用作动词以外的东西:

Climbing 酋长岩是不可能的. (名词和句子的主语)
The applauding crowd rose to its feet. (Adjective)
I despise frozen peas. (Adjective)
He intends to study agricultural science. (Noun and direct object). 


  • 动名词(起名词作用的-ing形式)
  • 分词(用作形容词的现在分词或过去分词动词形式)
  • Infinitives (the root form of a verb preceded by to; it can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb)

Gerund phrases are nouns.
A gerund is an -ing 用作名词的动词形式. Any -ing 在句子的谓语(动词的一部分)中使用的动词必须与辅助动词如 is, was, or has been; a gerund lacks this helper. 因此,动名词永远不能充当动词,但它可以做其他名词能做的任何事情. 例如,下面的动名词短语是一个句子的主语:

Backpacking 在小约塞米蒂山谷的经历令人难忘.


Tom explained rappelling as we clambered up Half Dome.

动名词可以是连接动词后的谓语主格(小心! 下面句子的动词是 was, not was stumbling. 这次冒险本身并不磕磕绊绊! 我们最喜欢的冒险是绊倒.):

Our favorite adventure was stumbling 在森林深处的青蛙池塘上.


We worried about being 在我们游泳时被瀑布冲走了.

Participial verbals——单词或短语——是形容词. 它们看起来像现在分词(-ing) or past participle (-ed or -en) verb forms. 在句子的谓语中使用的过去分词动词必须与助动词如 has, had, or have; participles or participial phrases functioning as adjectives lack this helper. 下面的分词短语描述了这个名词 bear:

Grunting and snuffling noisily这时,熊踮起脚尖向我们伸手 suspended food bags.

Above, suspended 过去分词可以用作形容词吗. Below, frozen and making 介绍分词短语:

Frozen in anticipation, our muffled breath making scarcely a sound我们看着熊爬上树向绳索走去.

Frozen in anticipation modifies the pronoun we. Making scarcely a sound, on the other hand, modifies breath. Muffled 分词形容词也是描述性的吗 breath.

不定式是动词的词根或简单形式 to: to expect, to enroll, to have thought. (Because to is a common preposition, 不定式常被误认为是介词短语, which they are not. 有关更多信息,请参见提示表“介词和介词短语”.)不定式很容易识别,有他们的 to + verb pattern. 它们可以在句子中扮演多种角色——名词、形容词或副词.

In the following examples, 不定式短语用作名词——在这种情况下,主语和直接宾语, respectively:

To watch 熊把我们的东西扔来扔去 was distressing.
We tried to signal 我们在半穹顶上的朋友发了条短信, but failed.


Our plans to continue on to Tuolumne Meadows 一旦我们失去了食物供应就突然变了.

下面的不定式是修饰动词的副词短语 will use (adverbs answer the questions when, where, how, and why):

Next time, to prevent the loss of our food cache,我们将使用熊罐代替.

(注:有些动词需要带不定式[claim to know],有些则需要动名词[avoid stating]. 如果你把动名词变成不定式,有些动词的意思会有很大的不同[stop smoking, stop to smoke]).

2. Appositive phrases are nouns.
An appositive 是一个名词短语,重新命名或重申前面的名词或代词:

An overpowering fragrance, apple trees in blossom从开着的窗户飘进来.

同位语短语几乎总是作为句子的括号元素,用逗号隔开. 一个例外是一个单词的同位语,其中不需要逗号:

My brother Joseph 每天读六七个博客.

3. 绝对短语可以修饰一切.
Unlike other modifiers, absolute phrases do not modify a particular word in a sentence; rather, they modify the entire 句子——可以这么说,设置场景或背景. 绝对短语通常由名词(或代词)和分词组成(见分词短语)," above): 雨伞在风中摇摆, his hopes dashed at last. In the following examples, 注意,绝对短语在逻辑上不能用来修饰主句的任何一个词:

罗德里戈不高兴地准备搬出并卖掉他梦想中的家, 他和解的希望最终破灭了.




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