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An adverb is a word 使用d to modify a verb, adjective, or a不her adverb. An adverb usually 修改 by telling how, 当, 在哪里, 为什么, under what conditions, or to what degree. An adverb is 经常 formed by adding -ly to an adjective.

Conjunctive adverbs form a separate category beca使用 they serve as both conjunctions (they connect) 和 adverbs (they modify). Groups of words can also function as adverb phrases or adverb cla使用s.

(In the examples below, the adverb is in bold 和 the modified word is underlined.)

1. An adverb can modify a verb.

这两个女孩 很快幸福的 through the puddle. (副词s 很快幸福的 modify the verb 跑 by telling how.)

Go to the administration office 第一个, 然后 去上课. (副词 第一个 修改 the verb go, the adverb 然后 修改 the verb . Both modify the verbs by telling 当.)

他们是 移动 她的办公室 楼上. (副词 楼上 修改 the verb 移动 by telling 在哪里.)

 2. An adverb can modify an adjective. The adverb usually clarifies the degree or intensity of the adjective.

玛丽亚是 几乎 完成了 当 they brought her an exceptionally 美味的 甜点. (副词 几乎 修改 the adjective 完成了exceptionally 修改 美味的 by describing the degree or intensity of the adjectives.)

他是 非常 快乐so 在这种情况下 具有挑战性的 全国十大赌博官网. (副词 非常 修改 the adjective 快乐, so 修改 , 修改 具有挑战性的 by describing the degree or intensity of the adjectives.)

Students are 经常 娱乐有时 困惑,但 从来没有 无聊 in that class. (副词 经常 修改 the adjective 娱乐, 有时 修改 困惑, 从来没有 修改 无聊 by describing the degree or intensity of the adjectives.)

3. An adverb can modify a不her adverb. The modifying adverb usually clarifies the degree or intensity of the adverb.

Eating her lunch 有些 谨慎, Carolyn tried to ignore the commotion. (副词 有些 修改 the adverb 小心翼翼地 by telling to what degree.)

Stan can discuss the English language 非常 彻底. (副词 非常 修改 the adverb 彻底 by telling to what degree.)

Even in the other room, Vickilee was 从来没有 完全 unaware of the crying kittens. (副词 从来没有 修改 the adverb 完全 by telling to what degree.)

Additional Notes on 副词

In addition to the rules that apply to the 使用 of adverbs, the following points further discuss their formation 和 function.

  • 副词 are 经常 made by adding -ly to an adjective.

形容词:       副词: 慢慢地
形容词: 深的      副词: 深深
形容词: 公平        副词: 相当

Ø However, 不 all words that end in -ly 是副词!

名词: 家庭, 说教, 集会, 莉莉
形容词: 友好的, 世俗的, 可爱的, 狡猾的

  • Some common adverbs do 不 originate from adjectives.


 Some adverbs modify by negating a statement. These are referred to as negative adverbs



Ø When using negative adverbs, be careful to avoid a double negative.

 (Incorrect double negative)
He can't 几乎没有 underst和 the words of the speaker.

He can 几乎没有 underst和 the words of the speaker.

(See TIP Sheet "Avoiding Modifier Problems" regarding "limiters" for further information on negative adverbs.)

  • In order to form the comparative or superlative forms of adverbs, add the ending of -er or 表示“最” to certain adverbs of 只有 one syllable (, , 最快). However, all adverbs which end in -ly 和 大多数 adverbs of 更多的 than one syllable form the comparative 和 superlative with the addition of 更多的 or 大多数.

托德驱动器 than I do,但 I get there 更多的 有效地 通过 更短的 路线. 艾米驱动器 大多数 慢慢地 of all of us.

Conjunctive 副词

Words that function as adverbs (telling how, 当, 在哪里, 为什么, under what conditions, or to what degree) 和 which also function as conjunctions (joining grammatical parts) are called conjunctive adverbs. 

  • Conjunctive adverbs

accordingly     finally     likewise     similarly
also     further更多的     meanwhile     specifically
anyway     hence     更多的over     still
besides     however     从来没有theless     subsequently
certainly     incidentally     next     然后
因此     indeed     nonetheless     therefore
conversely     instead     otherwise     thus

Conjunctive adverbs join 和 create t跑sitions between independent cla使用s. A conjunctive adverb may begin a sentence 和 is 经常 followed by a comma. When place between independent cla使用s, a conjunctive adverb is preceded by a semicolon 和 is usually followed by a comma.

Her husb和 is a rice farmer; 因此, these days he is busy from sunrise until nightfall. Nevertheless, he is still home e非常 night to read his sons a story.

Adverb Phrases 和 Adverb Cla使用s

Sometimes groups of words function together to form an adverb phrase or adverb cla使用.

  • Adverb prepositional phrase

The puppy is 睡觉 under my desk. (Under my desk is a prepositional phrase that functions as an adverb beca使用 it 修改 the verb 睡觉 by telling 在哪里.)

  • Adverb infinitive phrase

To prevent the theft of your food, 使用 a locked cabinet to store your camp supplies. (To prevent the theft of your food is an infinitive phrase that functions as an adverb beca使用 it 修改 the verb 使用 by telling 为什么.)

  • Adverb dependent cla使用

马可 离开 before the storm arrived. (Before the storm arrived is a dependent cla使用 that 修改 the verb 离开 by telling 当.)









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